Tuesday Tech Tip

Today I’d like to introduce you to a wonderful tool called Dropbox!  It doesn’t matter if you have one computer or multiple computers and devices, this is a very handy thing to use, and best of all, it is FREE!

Dropbox Logo

Download Dropbox

Go to the website, www.Dropbox.com, and the first thing you’ll want to do is view the introductory video!  You’ll learn about some of the many practical ways you can utilize it in your business and personal life.

Dropbox video

Next, download the app and sign up for an account.  No payment required!  Just need your email address and a password.  This will allow you to access your Dropbox files from the website on any computer, in the event you find yourself without your own devices.

Put it to use!

For example, a person with two offices and two desktop computers can save a document on one computer, and the next time the second computer is accessed, the document will be right there!  No more thumb drives — no more emailing things to yourself.  Download the application to each of your devices: desktop, laptop, iPad, smart phone — and watch the magic!

Whatever you do, watch the video so you can see first-hand how terrific this is, and I’ll bet you’ll think of many ways it can improve your life.

Just one example:

I’ had buyers in Ohio, and as they were needing to purchase a home in a very short time-frame, I was able to create a video of a home I thought they might like, that included a drive around the entire neighborhood.  I then placed the video (which was about 35 megabytes, far too large to email) into my Dropbox.  I called one of the buyers, walked him to the Dropbox site, helped him to access the file in my Dropbox account, and voila!  He had the video, all within 2-3 minutes on the phone!

Life is good!  Need some tips on buying or selling property?  Give me a call, I’ll be happy to help!  (805) 937-5777.  And I wish I had a nickel for every person I’ve told about Dropbox!! 🙂

Published in: on January 17, 2012 at 5:00 AM  Comments (3)  
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