One of the Fallouts of Foreclosure

Foreclosure leaves many things in its wake, including bad credit and displaced famililes.  There is another, often overlooked, negative result of foreclosure — although thankfully it is not an automatic result — and that is the abandoned animals.  Often left behind by homeowners after foreclosure, these animals end up the victims of starvation, predators or of cars.   Bewildered and often injured, they may roam neighborhoods seeking shelter and food until captured or worse.   Animal shelters are overwhelmed, underfunded, and understaffed.  Cats and dogs are being euthanized for no reason other than space limitions.  These havens for lost and abandoned animals are in dire need of funds.

The New Times reports today on a very small shelter at Cal Poly, and the need for help.  Please take a moment to read this inspiring story!  There is a wonderful cat sanctuary near Fresno you can read about here, and perhaps after reading about The Cat House on the Kings, you too will be motivated to support a cat, as I do.  It doesn’t take much to help — maybe just $10 a month on a regular basis?  How about teaching a child the value of helping another living, breathing being by contributing a portion of his/her allowance?  Better than saving towards a new video game, right?

Please consider helping any way you can: financially or by volunteering an hour or so a week at your local shelter.  We are all in this world together, and a little compassion goes a long way.

If you need a new home, please give me a call at (805) 937-5777 or send an email — I help humans too!!  🙂  If you have another idea for helping with our animal population, or want to share an inspiring story, please leave a comment below!

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